


COMMUNITY LEadERS: ENGAGE & connect with your audience in Your Own Virtual World 

Are you a community leader who loves creating impact? You share your expertise, knowledge, and personality, and the engagement from your followers means a lot to you.

You love your audience and believe they would benefit more from engaging with you on a personal level. But with varying schedules and geographical locations, you know this isn't sustainable.

You spread your message across different social media channels like facebook groups, Instagram channels, LinkedIn perhaps. Yet, it often feels like you're community doesn't have a home, a place to go to. 

What if immersive technologies could work to your advantage? 

brand owners: engage your audience in your branded virtual space

Are you a brand venturing into the virtual realms for the first time? Does the immense potential of the metaverse both excite and intimidate you? Rest assured, you're not alone, and New Daring World is here to accompany you on this thrilling journey.

Virtual worlds represent the websites of the future. These spaces mirror your brand, allowing users to explore them as if they were navigating a real-world environment. Users can engage with your brand's content just as they would in a physical showroom. They can examine your products in 3D, interact with your customer assistants, and engage with other users within your virtual world. This engagement occurs in real time, with users communicating as avatars or via video, providing an unparalleled level of interaction with your brand.

Access to these virtual worlds is possible through web browsers, mobile devices, or VR headsets. The significant advantage is that when a customer immerses themselves in your virtual world, you have their undivided attention, and the content within the virtual space is considerably more engaging than a traditional website.

event organizers: imagine your audience counting down the moments to come to your online event

Hosting online events can be tough. With so many events competing for attention, how do you make yours stand out and keep your audience engaged from start to finish?
Online events conducted in a virtual environment offer distinct advantages compared to traditional online events, which primarily occur on standard video conferencing platforms. Here's how they differ and the benefits they bring to both users and virtual world owners.
(coming soon)

design teams: prototype concept art rapidly in virtual reality

brand owners: create custom avatars for your community or brand

As a brand owner you might be asking yourself why would you even want an avatar. Avatars play a key role in immersive experiences, serving as users digital extensions.

If you have a virtual environment you might want to additionally engage your users offering them to dress up their avatar with a custom / branded outfit. This is a great way to inject fun and creativity to the experience of your brand.

Another benefit is that, given that they like this outfit, your audience can wear your branded outfits in other virtual environments and so further spread the awarness of your brand. Owning a custom-designed avatar for your community or brand can set you apart, boost recognition, and create a unique, engaging personality. It enhances brand consistency, storytelling, and memorability. 

educators: Imagine the joy of watching your students truly understand the knowledge you want to convey.

[ Getting your students attention is hard. VR is a powerful tool that is leveling the playing field for people who struggle with traditional educational setups. It offers an immersive learning experience that engages and motivates learners, especially those who may find it difficult to concentrate in a traditional classroom setting. Through VR, learners can access a wide range of educational content in a variety of formats that can be tailored to their individual learning needs.

This can help to accommodate different learning styles and abilities, making education more accessible and inclusive. Additionally, VR allows learners to practice and apply what they've learned in a safe and controlled environment, reducing the risk of failure and increasing their confidence. ]

DEVELOPERS: stand out with your vr / XR solution demos

You are a skilled developer who knows how to develop jaw-dropping VR/AR interactive experiences. However, the design of those experiences lacks a distinctive edge and appears similar to those of your competitors, making it difficult for you to stand out with your demos on social media and in the market in general.

The users of your solution point to the technical edge, but they don't engage for too long due to its mundanity. In general, your simulation leans heavily towards realism, leaving very little space for creative exploration. You might be seeking to make your simulations more memorable and fun.

brand owners: engage your audience with branded face effects and filters on social media platforms

BRAND OWNERS: prototype and test your idea in 3d and VR - collaboratively

You have an idea for a virtual world in your head but you don’t know where to start. You are thinking about hiring a designer for the job but feeling anxious about how the design will come out and if it’s worth the investment. And you’ve worked with designers in the past and you know how painful it is to get stuck in the loop of iterations, feeling frustrated with the results. And how difficult it is to explain your idea in the first place. To make other people ‘see’ what’s on your mind. If only you could channel your idea into the head and hands of the designer... Read more 

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